On Tuesdays, I am bringing back ‘SeXual Tuesday Talk,’ where I talk about sexuality, sex and sexual orientation among people with disabilities. In the past, we had these conversations on social media, now ‘SeXual Tuesday Talk’ will take place on my new blog. I am adding a new conversation to ‘SeXual Tuesday Talk’ which includes sexual health. I will talk about being sexually active and using protection with your significant other and we will have the conversation about HIV/AIDS. Make you sure you tune into ‘SeXual Tuesday Talk!’ Anyone who has followed this conversation back in the day knows that I am off the hook and I will get all in up in your bedroom. Some posts will be a video and if you decide to post a video make sure there is caption for our Deaf, Hard Of Hearing and other members of the disability community so that they may be able to participate in the conversation.

My hashtags is #ExpectTheUnexpect #SexualTuesdayTalk



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Zarifa Roberson

I am an African American Woman with a Disability who is an Entrepreneur. I won’t tell you the name of my disability, I like for people to guess my disability… I will give you a hint… It is not common 😉. My motto is to Expect The Unexpected because you never know what I am going to say or do.